Thursday, June 4, 2009

WoW: Julian Beever Amazing Sidewalk Art

This dude Julian Beever is the definition of a GENIUS! All this work is dont with chalk and on the sidewalk.... nothing is standing up off the ground or going into the ground... AMAZING RIGHT!?!?!? Im still in shock...

You can check the rest of his art (here)..... AND MAKE SURE YOU DO!


la said...

I seen this before this is so dope i would love to see this in person tho

Broke Mom said...

I found out about him a while back. He is amazing. Art..and all forms of creative expression give me life.

p[L]e[0]a[V]c[E] . said...

i can do that !
puhaha .

Dreez4Sheez said...

i had to talk about these for my art appreciation class last semester this shit is reeeaaaallll

The Beautiful Loser said...

Im mad everyone is already up on this shit... im never the first one!

p[L]e[0]a[V]c[E] . said...

its okay L , your the beautiful LOSER.

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