i lost money on the game... but at least i got 2 dope commercials out of it!
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the commercials were ehhhhh... i think all the beer made them funnier than they were... and the halftime show.... bruce springstein?!?!? this is 2009! give me rhianna, even miley cyrus, hell i would haven even liked to see kaneye and his shag!
any body but bruce....
anyway... this was my fridge last night.....
Shouts to Toby for the pic... check him out by clicking the sentence fools!
welp.... tmy gshock is going off... letting me know.. its time to get to work.... so to wrap things up... I had a dope super bowl w/ ppl that i love... and i can almost garuntee... "YOUR SUPERBOWL WASNT RIGHT IF YOU WERENT AT LITES!"
lol.. have a GOOD day kids...
Cool Out!
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9 years ago
dont womp my cardinals , they played a HELL of a game ! my boy kurt choked at the end .. BUT they gave the steelers a run for they money the SECOND half .
&& that crystal ball commerical was my SHIT , the whole night i kept saying .. my crystal ball says ! hahaha
i have to womp them!!
they lost me money! and i wanted larry fitz to get a superbowl ring... but whatever...
my crystal ball says... "fool... u need to make some money today!"
yeah i wanted larry for MVP . he would of looked really NICE with a ring .. i agreee with that =] .
hahahaha at your crystal ball !
whens your next show L-iTE .
did i tell you im in love with butterFLY ! && earl let me hear , red PUMPS revisited? its amazing !
dominik was WAAAAAAAAAAAASETD! nigga i listened to you talk NON stop for over a hour about LA rappers in your fuckin kitchen lmao
oh and we did the stanky leg!
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